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Wildlife Trust takes a proactive role in house-building

The University of the West of England has been working with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust to develop a benchmark for the planning, design and delivery of green infrastructure. The work has resulted in a NERC Innovation Fund to examine the feasibility and market for a national benchmark.

The initiative has been pioneered by Dr Danielle Sinnett, Lead academic on the Knowledge Transfer Partnership as well as module leader for Healthy Sustainable Communities and Sustainablility in the Built Environment courses at the University.

Gloucester Wildlfie Trust has been advising on sustainable green infrastructure at the development at Elms Park near Cheltenham with Bloor Homes and Persimmon Homes - a mixed use development of 24 hectares for 4,000 homes. Gemma Jerome, Grren Infrastructure Project Manager says the Trust wanted to take a pro-active role in the development which will have a focus on energy and water-efficient homes and offices and will create 5,000 new jobs.

There will also be provision for key worker housing, protection of existing habitats and creation of new green spaces, a network of footpaths and jogging routes aw well as managed drainage along with a sports hub and pitches.

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