David Lock Associates' Partner Joanne Cave to speak at our Oxford 'Science Cities' event
Above: Radcliffe Square Oxford, with All Souls College on right, with the Radcliffe Camera on left and the Bodleian Library and Hertford College beyond
Future Cities Forum is delighted that Joanne Cave, Partner at planning, master-planning and place-making firm, David Lock Associates, and Co-Chair of the Design Review Panel in Oxford, will be speaking at our 'Science Cities' event at St John's College, Oxford.
She joins our discussion on best practice for science-led cities with the Leader of Oxford City Council, Cllr Susan Brown, Stuart Grant, CEO of ARC Group and Sebastian Johnson, Head of Innovation and Inward Investment, OxLEP, among other contributors.
Further north in Birmingham, David Lock Associates has been working for Birmingham City Council on a residential-led master plan at Langley for 6,000 homes, supporting community facilities, infrastructure and landscape framework. They have been acting as lead master-planners of this emerging urban extension on a strategic land release to the north east of the city.
Designed to be an exemplar of sustainable development, the project is building on the aspirations of the City Council to secure high quality placemaking. It is being evolved in tandem with the progression of the Birmingham Development Plan which proposes strategic Green Belt release. David Lock Associates produced a Supplementary Planning Document to guide development and to ensure the City Council’s aims and ambitions are realised on the ground.
In Cambridge, at Waterbeach, for Urban & Civic and Secretary of State for Defence, David Lock Associates have been working closely with award-winning Fletcher Priest Architects as master-planners and as apart of a large multi-disciplinary team.
The project consists of outline planning application coordinated and submitted up for to 6,500 new homes, with small medium employment space, new centres, schools, community use and leisure uses, and supporting infrastructure.
In addition at Waterbeach, there will be a network of new green spaces including opening up a 7 hectare lake for public use and recreation to form part of the site wide strategy.