Karolinska Institutet Holding joins 'European Technology Cities'

Future Cities Forum is delighted that the Chief Executive of KI Holding, Hans Möller, will join our 'European Technology Cities' discussions on 3 December.
Hans has more than 30 years' experience at general management level in various science parks, IT companies and start-ups with extensive experience in all areas of innovation promotion, consulting, and sales and marketing. In 2018 he became CEO of Karolinska Institutet Holding AB, which is a holding company owned by the Swedish government and controlled and largely funded by the Karolinska Institute. The role is to invest in early start-ups and projects mainly emanating from KI, to support innovation at all stages and to provide international students and researchers with accommodation.
Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's foremost medical universities, and is Sweden's single largest centre of academic medical research, medical courses and programmes. Since 1901 the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel Laureates in physiology or medicine.
In 2017, Hans became Director of Edinburgh BioQuarter (Life Science Park) employed by Edinburgh University, and prior to that he was Innovation Director for the North East Local Enterprise Partnership, the Regional Economic Development Agency in the North East of England.
Edinburgh BioQuarter is a leading health and science campus which brings together young, growing, and established life science companies, the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh run by NHS Lothian, the world-renowned University of Edinburgh’s medical teaching school and many of its award-winning health and bioinformatics research institutes.
Around 7,000 people work across Edinburgh BioQuarter with many more people visiting the campus on a daily basis.
As Programme Director Hans was responsible for promoting a collaborative environment to ensure that industry, academia, and the NHS worked side-by-side to innovate and collaborate, ultimately improving patient care and treatment.
Between 2003 and 2015 Hans worked as CEO of the leading Science Park in Sweden, Ideon Science Park in Lund. This park covered both start-ups and more mature companies, focusing on business transformation, growth and Open Innovation.
Since 2006 Hans has also been engaged on the Board of SiSP, Swedish Incubators and Science Parks, and since 2008 as Chairman. His experience here has helped him understand what it takes to build a world class innovation system around a Science Park. The result of this effort resulted in a brand new strategy for ”Ideon – A Global Innovation Hub", with a stronger commitment from both the Real Estate companies, Lund University and the City of Lund.