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Japan's housing on show in London

In March 2017, the Barbican Art Gallery is holding an exhibition to showcase Japanese development in home design since the second world war.

The exhibition 'The Japanese House: Architecture and Life after 1945', tells the story of devastation to Tokyo after the world war which produced a need for new housing. The designs demonstrate the changes that occurred in society and the architects' solutions to these. Shifts in the Japanese economy, urban landscape and family structure are revealed and documented.

Many of the designs have never been exhibited before in the UK. Cinema, photography and art are also used to highlight the innovations in house design.

Yoshiharu Tsukamoto - Atelier Bow-Wow/Tokyo Institute of Technology - initially conceived the idea for the exhibition in Tokyo and is Chief Adviser to the London exhibition. It runs from 23rd March to 25th June 2017.

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