Speakers at 'The Making of the Modern City' 8th May, City Hall, London
There will be four main presentations: NIC Commissioner and founder of dRMM Architects, Professor Sadie Morgan, Brendan Sarsfield, Chief Executive of Peabody, Tim Chapman – Infrastructure Design Leader at Arup, Nigel Escott, Director of Real Estate at Network Rail and three panel discussions on 8th May.
The event begins at 8.30 am and the panels will focus on:
New models for infrastructure-led regeneration -
Rachel Dickie - L&G Capital's Head of Urban Regeneration, David Budd, Mayor of Middlesbrough, Jennifer Ross, Director of Tibbalds Planning & Urban Design and team leader of the NIC award winning VeloCity, Lester Hampson - Transport for London's Head of Real Estate Development, Rory Brooke - Head of Economics (Planning), Savills
Future transport needs: the impact on cities -
Peter Stephens, Head of Corporate Affairs at Nissan UK, Nathan Marsh, Director and Head of Intelligent Mobility at Atkins ( Part of the SNC Lavalin Group), Dr Sarah Owen-Vandersluis, Partner and Head of Infrastructure Strategy at KPMG UK, Tim Hawkins, Corporate Affairs Director, Manchester Airports Group
Infrastructure as destination: retail, workspace and leisure opportunities at airports and stations -
Jason Syrett, Partner at Allies and Morrison and master planner for York Central, Nigel Escott, Director of Real Estate at Network Rail, Lynda Shillaw, Head of Property at Manchester Airports Group and Board Director of the Crown Estate, Richard Hicks,Deputy Chief Executive at Medway Council
There will be 100 attendees from councils, housing groups, investors, developers, architects and planners.