Stride Treglown talks building beautiful at Future Cities Forum

We are delighted that Dominic Eaton, Director and Head of Residential at the architecture firm Stride Treglown will be speaking at our September forum on the Greenwich Peninsula at Ravensbourne University London.
We will be holding discussions about best practice in designing housing in new districts but with an eye to the recent government announcement that more care should be taken to make sure developments should add to their environment, in short a policy of 'building beautiful'.
Dominic thrives in the design of complex, sensitive housing projects, including large mixed use apartments and smaller, more bespoke schemes. The firm is determined to find simple solutions but achieve an elegance derived from thorough analysis and good ideas.
A concern about the skills shortage is very much in Dominic's mind and he says that although 'offsite manufacturing has been procured to tackle this, there are more changes to come'.
Stride Treglown is a sponsor of 'Building Plymouth' a Council led partnership with local construction and built environment stakeholders, set up as a 'call to action' to overcome the skills shortages facing the local construction sector. Redrow, Kier and AECOM are also sponsors.
Dominic says perhaps his most satisfying project to work on has been '110 at the Quay' at Port Maine, Portishead (pictured), a site at the end of the public promenade and adjacent to the marina entrance. He feels that the design of apartments in this location has been successful because of its 'stand out' but 'blend in' approach. 'Responding strongly to the marina environment, sculptural funnel forms enclose the balconies. Circulation cores have varying heights of four to seven storeys, creating a tapering urban wall', states Stride Treglown.
Our September forum will look at the planning and design of waterfront living, the biodiversity of planting around river edges and how each development adds to the brand and linking to other districts.