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Cambridge University Health Partners at Future Cities Forum

CGI of courtyard of AstraZeneca's new building on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus (BDP)

We are delighted that Dr Araminta Ledger will join Future Cities Forum's discussions at 'Science Cities, Cambridge and the Arc' on 10th March at Newnham College. Araminta is the Deputy Executive Director at Cambridge University Health Partners (CUHP). She works across CUHP and the Cambridge Biomedical Campus to develop the community and strategic relationships, while also promoting future expansion of the site in partnership with Liberty Property Trust and Countryside Properties.

Araminta joined CUHP from the University of Cambridge, School of Clinical Medicine, where she developed new collaborations across academia, the NHS and industry as Research Initiatives Manager. Prior to this, she held an NIHR Research Fellowship at the Institute of Cancer Research, London, initiating a clinical trial in breast cancer risk and developing novel MRI technology. Araminta has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Bath.

Cambridge University Health Partners (CUHP) is one of eight Academic Health Science Centres in England whose mission is to improve patient healthcare by bringing together the NHS, industry and academia. By inspiring and organising collaboration, CUHP aims to ensure patients reap the benefits of the world class research, clinicians and industry which are based in Cambridge and the surrounding area.

Academic Health Science Centres are designated by NHS England and NHS Improvement and the National Institute for Health Research for demonstrating excellence in health research, health education and patient care. They were chosen due to their links with university research, clinicians and business as well as their capacity to further develop collaboration to improve healthcare for patients.

CUHP was set up as a Limited Company in 2009 and was reaccredited in 2020 by the National Institute for Health Research for five years. The partners are the University of Cambridge, Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Cambridge Biomedical Campus is a thriving community where the worlds of academia, industry, research and health meet, collaborate together and work to tackle some of the significant healthcare challenges facing the world today. As the largest employment site in Cambridge - encompassing renowned and much loved hospitals - it is focused on ensuring patients benefit from the campus’ world-leading research. The international nature of the collaborations cut across traditional boundaries to allow working together on care, research and training. Success is based on everyone’s willingness to unite to exert a powerful global influence as the Campus attracts world class companies, investment and talent to Cambridge with the aim of improving healthcare and knowledge.

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