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Yoo Capital consults on restoration of Shepherd's Bush Market

Market stalls in Shepherds Bush Market, London W12 (courtesy myshepherdsbush / Yoo Capital)

Managing Partner of Yoo Capital, Lloyd Lee, joins our High Streets discussions this month, with the Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham Council, Cllr Stephen Cowan and the Chief Executive of Historic England, Duncan Wilson. The Chair of the BID Association, Bill Addy, architects Mark Rintoul from Rogers Stirk Harbour and Daniel Morgans from Chapman Taylor, will also be present.

They will be discussing the future of the Town Hall as ‘civic campus’, and the role of historic markets in keeping our city and town centres vibrant, while being anchors for district regeneration.

In September 2020 Yoo Capital became the majority owner of the four acre site enclosing Shepherds Bush Market in west London between the Goldhawk and Uxbridge Roads and since then has been carrying out extensive community consultation and discussions with market traders, local community groups and the borough council, on plans to develop the site in a sensitive fashion whilst retaining and supporting the market.

Yoo Capital and partner firm Deutsche Finance International, are also the investors in and developers of the £1.3 billion regeneration of Olympia London into a world-leading cultural destination.

Four years ahead of completion with construction work already underway at the 14-acre site, live entertainment company AEG Presents, global hotel group Hyatt and affordable luxury lifestyle and hotel brand CitizenM all signed long term agreements to operate out of the West London venue Olympia London towards the close of 2020.

There are also advance talks with other potential occupiers with strong interest being shown for Olympia London's four-screen arthouse cinema, 1,500-seat theatre, restaurants, shops, cafes, hotels and 550,000 sq ft of office and co-working space. The Heatherwick Studio and SPPARC designed project will also see the enhancement of the existing halls and two and a half acres of new public space created.

Lloyd serves as the Managing Partner of Yoo Capital Management with overall responsibility for the firm's investment strategy as well as for originating and negotiating its major transactions. He also chairs the firm's Investment Committee.


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