City landscaping and augmented reality

SNC-Lavalin Atkins' Associate Director, Landscape and Urban Design, Neil Manthorpe, will be joining our discussions in November at Royal Arsenal Woolwich along with TATE, Stoke on Trent's Cultural Partnership and the National Infrastructure Commission.
Neil leads the Atkins' London Landscape and Urban Design Studio. The award winning team work across the capital and international cities delivering holistic and innovative solutions and creating places that transform peoples' lives.
As part of the Mayor of London's Mini Holland programme, Neil led the public realm integration of a new two way cycle track connecting into Kingston Upon Thames town centre. This included the creation of terraced seating overlooking the River Thames. integrated SUDs, new access routes for all and swathes of planting.
Augmented reality will be one topic that Neil will speak about at our November forum. Atkins is already using virtual reality in its projects giving both designers and clients the ability to walk around buildings and places even before construction begins.
Green infrastructure, public realm, cycling and smart cities are also part of Neil's areas of expertise, and he has used his experience to produce several design guidance documents, as well as sitting on the Wandsworth Design Review Panel.
He recently led the team to win the City of London's Smarter City ideas competition. Neil has also worked in the Middle East, Beijing and Colombia.

A vision for Augmented Reality (above) and new public realm at Kingston Riverside (below)